
Hunt songs, or taron­way, are often used to accom­pa­ny rights of pas­sa­ge, inclu­ding a pre­cur­sor to the moment when a Na’vi first bonds with his or her bans­hee. They are sung by adults who have com­ple­ted Ikni­ma­ya. They may be sung in uni­son, but more often are chan­ted breathlessly. 

Taron­way lyrics focus on hun­ting acti­vi­ties, ext­ol­ling the strength of both hun­ter and hun­ted, pray­ing for wort­hi­ness of the hun­ter, spea­king to the spi­rits of the forest crea­tures, etc. The­se may be sung in many con­texts: befo­re or during a hunt, pri­or to batt­le with exter­nal forces, and during social events. All taron­way have a strong pul­sa­ting rhythm. Howe­ver, one inte­res­t­ing aspect of Na’vi music is that, in cer­tain cases, the same song lyrics may be per­for­med in dif­fe­rent styl­es, depen­ding on the spe­ci­fic con­text in which they are used.

Many of the songs for puber­ty ritu­als and hun­ting are per­for­med as non-melo­dic group chan­ting in a very forceful, rhyth­mic grun­ting style. In this style, the glot­tal stops and ejec­ti­ve con­so­nants inher­ent in the Na’vi lan­guage are empha­si­zed. (See lyrics below). It is belie­ved that this chan­ting or grun­ting style is the oldest extant Na’vi expres­si­ve style, becau­se of the way that the song style incor­po­ra­tes and empha­si­zes the­se lin­gu­i­stic elements.


Here is a typi­cal exam­p­le of hunt song lyrics, which often dis­play gre­at respect for the poten­ti­al prey:

Terìran ayoe ayngane,


Rerol ayoe ayngane,

Ha ftxey,

’Awpot set fkxey ayn­gal a l(u) ayngakip,

’Awpot a Na’viru yomtìyìng.

Cho­rus (repea­ted)

Oeyä swi­zaw nìn­gay tivakuk,

Oeyä tukrul txe’lanit tivakuk,

Oeri tìn­gayìl txe’lanit tivakuk,

Oeyä txe’lan livu ngay.

Lu nga win sì txur,

Lu nga txantslusam,

Livu win sì txur oe zene,

Ha n(ì)’aw,

Pxan livu txo nì’aw oe ngari,

Tsa­krr nga Na’viru yomtìyìng.

We are wal­king to you,


We are sin­ging to you,

So choo­se,

Choo­se one now among you,

One who will feed the People.

Cho­rus (repea­ted)

Let my arrow strike true,

Let my spear strike the heart,

Let the truth strike my heart,

Let my heart be true.

You are fast and strong,

You are wise,

Fast and strong, I must be,

So only,

Only if I am wort­hy of you,

Will you then feed the People.


Songs sung during pre-hunt ritu­als are chan­ted, accom­pa­nied by num­e­rous dif­fe­rent sizes of sturm­beest gongs. When used as social dance songs, they are sung in uni­son, accom­pa­nied by various drums, inclu­ding pole drums. Unli­ke dome­stic music, here the vocal ran­ge is typi­cal­ly limi­t­ed to an octa­ve and a half (in Earth terminology).