Similarity to Humans

The Na’vi are strikin­gly simi­lar to humans, mor­pho­lo­gi­cal­ly, even down to eye pla­ce­ment, hair­less­ness, and details of mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal bio­me­cha­nics such as pel­vic struc­tu­re, fin­ger and toe arti­cu­la­ti­on, and so on. 

This simi­la­ri­ty has resul­ted in one of the most hea­ted deba­tes in xeno­bio­lo­gy and xen­o­an­thro­po­lo­gy, spaw­ning many hypo­the­ses that can be loo­se­ly grou­ped under the hea­dings of Con­ver­gent Evo­lu­ti­on, Inter­stel­lar Pan­sper­mia (both natu­ral and ‘direc­ted’), or Anthro­po­mor­phic Determinism. 

Many reli­gious lea­ders have used the Na’vi simi­la­ri­ty to humans as a demons­tra­ti­on of ‘intel­li­gent design’ but this of cour­se has trig­ge­red its own con­tro­ver­sy as to whe­ther Na’vi should be con­side­red ‘human’ and if they have an immor­tal soul, and should the­r­e­fo­re be accor­ded the pro­tec­tion and reco­gni­ti­on of the Church.