
The Na’vi pri­de them­sel­ves on arran­ging meats, vege­ta­bles, seeds, spi­ces, and fruits into a myri­ad of com­bi­na­ti­ons. Dif­fe­rent Na’vi clans are known for their uni­que niktsy­ey, which are leaf wraps, and are based lar­ge­ly upon local flo­ra and fau­na. Niktsy­ey are con­ve­ni­ent (hence the name, mea­ning ‘con­ve­ni­ent snack’) for eating while hun­ting and gathe­ring, but also eaten regu­lar­ly within Home­tree, con­tai­ning various food items wrap­ped in edi­ble lea­ves and vines from various plants and trees.

Na’vi also feed their ikran meat-fil­led wraps. Fee­ding the­se wraps to bans­hees is an important method of streng­thening the bond bet­ween ani­mal and rider. They can be used to coax an ikran to a novice rider during Ikni­ma­ya. The thick leaf—usually from a uni­del­ta tree—keeps the meat pro­tec­ted and preserved.