The Tipani were one of the first clans to have contact with humans on Pandora. While they are a very spiritual clan, they are also cunning and highly dangerous in combat, known for their fierce and virtuous warriors and naturally skilled hunters. The Tipani rely heavily on their keen senses and predatory instincts for survival. During their adolescent years, strict focus is set on developing both the mind and body for battle under the guidance of the clan elders.
Their statuesque presence, brute strength, astute sense of hearing, and sharp eyesight enable the Tipani to walk the land without fear. Sure and light-footed, a Tipani goes easily undetected. The most experienced Tipani warrior can stalk their prey with such precision that the hunted scarcely realizes its danger until only moments before its unfortunate demise. This silent hunting style is reflected by the Tipani’s otherworldly demeanor. A Tipani rarely speaks, but when one does, it is with careful consideration and often carries considerable weight.
The Tipani are the only clan known to live in more than a dozen separate villages, across a vast txanlokxe (clan territory). Tipani leadership consists of one tsahìk who also serves as olo’eyktan, with several leaders below the tsahìk in various villages.
While many clans have a hand in fashioning armor, the Tipani are the only ones to wear these protective pieces regularly. In fact, there is a wardrobe of various armors for specific purposes such as hunting, training and battle, and less aggressively, singing and dancing. The armor is mostly made of bones, shells, plants, insects and even claws of deceased animals. The Tipani believe the animals’ predatory and survival instincts are transferred to the warrior who wears the armor.