Mating Practices

The Na’vi are mono­ga­mous crea­tures that mate for life. Na’vi repro­duc­tion is simi­lar to that of pla­cen­tal mammals on Earth. A Na’vi fema­le will typi­cal­ly pro­du­ce from one to ten off­spring, often spa­ced wide­ly apart in time. Na’vi fema­les have two breasts, and nur­se their infants for up to four months. Some Na’vi elect to abs­tain from repro­duc­tion, despi­te being sexu­al­ly acti­ve. It is not known how con­tracep­ti­on is accom­plished in this case, alt­hough the Na’vi appear to be quite sophisti­ca­ted in this regard. Na’vi males are typi­cal­ly pair bond­ed with fema­les, but male-male and fema­le-fema­le per­ma­nent bonds are not uncom­mon. Sexu­al acti­vi­ty out­side of the bond­ed pair is not uncom­mon, but is almost always asso­cia­ted with fer­ti­li­ty ritu­als and other rites, and has never been repor­ted to lead to a dis­rup­ti­on of the pair bond. 

Though the mecha­nics of repro­duc­tion are simi­lar to humans and other earth mammals, the Na’vi’s uni­que phy­sio­lo­gy pro­vi­des them with a level of inti­ma­cy unknown on Earth. When an appro­pria­te mate has been sel­ec­ted (which can take many years), the male and fema­le Na’vi will con­nect queu­es to crea­te an emo­tio­nal bond that lasts a life­time. The intert­wi­ning of queu­es, cal­led tsa­heylu, crea­tes a sta­te of uni­fied body con­scious­ness in which both par­ties access the phy­si­cal sen­sa­ti­ons of the other. While not ero­tic when used for the con­trol of ani­mals, during mating it crea­tes a heigh­ten­ed awa­re­ness of the other per­son. This leads to an expe­ri­ence simi­lar to the pro­lon­ged sta­te of arou­sal and deep spi­ri­tu­al con­nec­tion found in some Tan­tric prac­ti­ces on Earth, but con­side­red by the xen­o­an­thro­po­lo­gy com­mu­ni­ty to be much more pro­found. A sin­gle ins­tance of this bon­ding ritu­al leads to a life-long pair bond. The actu­al repro­duc­ti­ve act, which resem­bles human inter­cour­se, fol­lows the bon­ding ritu­al, and the part­ners remain in a lin­ked sta­te during and for some time after the sex act itself.