
The Na’vi are omni­vor­ous hun­ter-gathe­rers with some inci­pi­ent agri­cul­tu­re, inclu­ding a form of cul­ti­va­ti­on they call ‘encou­ra­ge­ment,’ in which plants are brought tog­e­ther and trea­ted with phe­ro­mo­nes and other natu­ral agents, which gui­de their growth to form useful structures. 

For exam­p­le, a par­ti­cu­lar epi­phytic plant spe­ci­es within the Oma­ti­ka­ya’s Home­tree is cul­ti­va­ted and modi­fied with woven mate­ri­al to crea­te sin­gle-per­son, living ham­mocks that clo­se safe­ly around the slee­per. The Na’vi also cul­ti­va­te direh­or­se pit­cher plants (left), known as pa’liwll, to attract and feed direh­or­ses and also to coll­ect the sweet nec­tar for their own consumption. 

The Na’vi are not known to enga­ge in any­thing more than this rudi­men­ta­ry agri­cul­tu­re, as they are able to find ever­y­thing they need from the sur­roun­ding envi­ron­ment. This is reflec­ted in the simp­le expres­si­on “Eywa vayun”, ‘Eywa will pro­vi­de’. A core part of Na’vi phi­lo­so­phy is meo­au­niaea which trans­la­tes as ‘harm­o­ny with the natu­ral world’ or ‘living as a child of the Gre­at Mother’.