Alchemy and Medicine

Tran­quil seeds

An extra­c­tor is a device inven­ted and used by the Taw­ka­mi Clan to har­ve­st essen­ti­al oils from flo­ra to crea­te various eli­xirs, pas­tes and poti­ons. Effec­ti­ve use of an extra­c­tor reli­es on three main parts: a stone bowl, a fla­me, and spe­cial extra­c­tion seeds. The extra­c­tion pro­cess is quite simp­le. First, the desi­red flo­ra is pla­ced in the stone bowl with the seeds. Water is then added and a soft fla­me is lit under the bowl. As the water rea­ches a gent­le boil, the seeds release nut­ri­ents and absorb the flora’s essen­ti­al oils. When all water eva­po­ra­tes, extra­c­tion is complete. 

Dapo­phet or paywll

The ‘tran­quil seed’ is an exam­p­le of Na’vi alche­my. A com­plex com­bi­na­ti­on of various lea­ves, roots, and pol­lens are mas­hed into a thick syru­py sub­s­tance to extra­ct psy­choac­ti­ve che­mi­cals. Over time, the­se che­mi­cals bond tog­e­ther to form litt­le ker­nels cal­led the tran­quil seed. The Taw­ka­mi break open the­se ker­nels to release a tran­qui­li­zing smo­ke that can be used to tame wild ani­mals. The Taw­ka­mi track and store the tran­quil seed’s pre­cise for­mu­la in their mind with no tan­gi­ble record. Whe­re most see a beau­tiful land­scape, the Taw­ka­mi see Pan­do­ra as the source of tru­ly ela­bo­ra­te recipes. 

The dapo­phet, known to the Na’vi as paywll, ‘water plant’, is an unu­su­al plant that stores water in its tis­sues. It has two kinds of lea­ves that are har­ve­s­ted by the Na’vi. The aloe-like lea­ves to the top of the plant have a gene­tic sub­s­tance insi­de that has heal­ing pro­per­ties when appli­ed to skin. The Na’vi use the­se top lea­ves of the paywll to soo­t­he skin that has been bur­ned as well as to speed the heal­ing of cuts and other inju­ries. The lea­ves can be ground up and inge­sted to soo­t­he upset sto­machs and cure other intesti­nal ailm­ents. The water-fil­led lea­ves along the stem are used for hydration. 

Heal­ing rose

The heal­ing rose, mea­su­ring near­ly six meters tall, pro­du­ces nec­tar with various rege­ne­ra­ti­on and heal­ing powers, both spi­ri­tu­al and physical.

Fun­gal blooms that grow on the trunks of goblin thist­les, known as koak­tu­tral or vozam­pa­sukut, are har­ve­s­ted to pro­du­ce a natu­ral anti­bio­tic balm or salve.

Goblin thist­le or koak­tu­tral / vozampasukut

The roots of the giant torukspxam fun­gus are used by the Na’vi to brew a powerful anti­venom tea, espe­ci­al­ly useful for kali’weya stings, but toxic in lar­ge doses. Expe­ri­en­ced alche­mists and shamans can crea­te a poti­on made of elt­un­gawng to enhan­ce an animal’s con­nec­tion to Eywa, allo­wing her to influence the animal.

Pano­py­ra or tawtsngal

The Na’vi coll­ect the liquid that cat­ches in the body of the pano­py­ra, or tawtsn­gal, and use it for a nut­ri­tious and heal­ing drink. The sap from the scor­pi­on thist­le, or txum­paywll, is used to make medi­ci­ne as well.

The Kame’tire are mas­ter alche­mists on the Wes­tern Fron­tier. Known ingre­di­ents in their medi­ci­nes and poti­ons are: pol­len of the mer­maid tail plant, or yìspul; radar mush­rooms, or pxey’awspxam; the venom sacks of whi­p­fang craw­lers, or tsli­kxyu txum­tem.

Na’vi have also per­fec­ted a non-harmful way to extra­ct the venom of the slinth, or txum­re’, one of Pandora’s dead­ly pre­da­tors, and use it for medi­cinal purposes.

Torukspxam fun­gi