Hanging Racks

The Na’vi have han­ging racks for per­so­nal items inclu­ding clot­hing, jewel­ry, tools, etc. The per­so­nal belon­gings rack is a type of kur­f­yan, or ‘han­ging rack’, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly a snok­fyan, ‘one’s own kur­f­yan’.

By tra­di­ti­on, a Na’vi can­not build his or her own syok­fyan. They must ins­tead be given one as a gift from a fri­end or fami­ly mem­ber. The long hours and craft­sman­ship nee­ded to crea­te the racks are con­side­red powerful sym­bols of fili­al and fami­li­al love. lt is belie­ved that the ritu­al helps streng­then clan bonding. 

They are made of car­ved hard­wood, atta­ched with lea­ther straps, often deco­ra­ted with shells and colo­red stones, and are rough­ly one meter wide, 0.75 meters high. Weight depends on the size and num­ber of stone weights used for stabilization.