Omatikaya Family Offerings

While nur­tu­ring their babies, Oma­ti­ka­ya par­ents may prepa­re and eat meals sepa­ra­te­ly from the clan gathe­ring space. This enables them to pro­mo­te bet­ter sleep for their child and to tend to them quiet­ly when they wake up. The clan as a who­le sup­ports the fami­ly by offe­ring them bas­kets of fruits and vege­ta­bles they’ve coll­ec­ted as well as pro­te­in from their hunts. The fami­ly is not expec­ted to give any­thing in return, only to ensu­re that their child­ren grow up as strong and healt­hy as pos­si­ble in order to be able to con­tri­bu­te to their clan’s over­all sur­vi­val into the next gene­ra­ti­on.