Metkayina Mealtime

The enti­re Met­kayina clan shares their evening meal, with ever­yo­ne in the com­mu­ni­ty coming tog­e­ther to con­tri­bu­te food and sto­ries. They belie­ve in buil­ding a strong and trus­ted com­mu­ni­ty. The Met­kayina have per­fec­ted every style of coo­ked fish, from gril­led to smo­ked, uti­li­zing herbs and spi­ces that are picked on the island or traded with other clans. Meals are ser­ved on lar­ge Pan­do­ran shells and gourds that have been hal­ved and deco­ra­ted. Each clan mem­ber has their own hand­ma­de pla­te. Typi­cal­ly made from wood or tree bark, the pla­tes are fashio­ned to be held in one hand, lea­ving the other hand free to eat and serve.