
Clan mem­bers will occa­sio­nal­ly sleep sin­gly or with their mates in smal­ler ham­mocks, cal­led sno­ni­vi. This is soci­al­ly accep­ta­ble as long as the mem­ber returns to group sleep, in their sway­ni­vi, within a short peri­od. As attu­n­ed as they are to one ano­ther, the Na’vi use slee­ping arran­ge­ments as an accu­ra­te baro­me­ter of a clan member’s emo­tio­nal health; if a Na’vi is seen to sleep out­side the group for an exten­ded peri­od, it is gene­ral­ly con­side­red a sign that the clan mem­ber is in some kind of distress.

Sno­ni­vi may be woven. In a Kelu­t­ral, to make a sno­ni­vi, epi­phytic plants that grow on the spo­kes of the tree are cul­ti­va­ted and careful­ly strung up into a ham­mock shape with ropes and threads. The sno­ni­vi respond to touch by gent­ly cur­ling into a cocoon-like shape for a Na’vi.