
The Na’vi pre­fer to sleep in lar­ge groups for phy­si­cal clo­sen­ess and com­fort. This arran­ge­ment also acts as an effec­ti­ve ear­ly war­ning sys­tem in the event of dan­ger. Clans who dwell in Home­trees, such as the Oma­ti­ka­ya, sleep in ham­mocks, or nivi. Nivi are woven on the sa’ewrang, cul­ti­va­ted from epi­phytic plants that grow on Gre­at Trees, depen­ding on the type of ham­mock needed.

The Na’­vi distin­gu­ish bet­ween the lar­ge sway­ni­vi, which can accom­mo­da­te enti­re fami­lies, and sno­ni­vi, which are inten­ded for individuals.