Personal Songs

Na’vi express their inner­most fee­lings through quiet impro­vi­sa­tio­nal sin­ging, usual­ly when alo­ne in the midst of the forest. Both men and women per­form this gen­re, usual­ly when wan­de­ring by them­sel­ves, and often as app­re­cia­ti­on of the beau­ty of their world. Eywa, the Kelu­t­ral, and mates are the most com­mon audi­ence for this type of musi­cal expres­si­on. The­se songs may take the form of a slow, mourn­ful, undu­la­ting melo­dy with very litt­le varia­ti­on in pitch, or a more lively sort of warbling. It is con­side­red rude to eaves­drop on another’s per­so­nal music, unless spe­ci­fi­cal­ly invi­ted to do so.

Some Na’vi sing using words to express their sen­ti­ments—rol nì’awtu, ‘to sing alo­ne’. Others lea­ve the sen­ti­ment to be expres­sed through their melo­dies—tìng lawr (nì’awtu), ‘to sing a word­less melo­dy (alo­ne)’. The­se see­mingly ran­dom sounds, known on Earth as ‘voca­bles’, are non-lexi­cal or non-seman­tic syll­ables, like ‘fa la la’, which have no intrin­sic mea­ning but are easy to sing. Some elder Na’vi and lin­gu­i­stic rese­ar­chers theo­ri­ze that many of the voca­bles used in the­se lawr may be deri­va­tions or muta­ti­ons of old Na’vi words, or per­haps even rem­nants of a lan­guage that pre­da­tes the Na’vi. One exam­p­le would be the voca­bles te-la-ni, which is often sung repea­ted­ly. Some theo­ri­ze that this is a deri­va­ti­on of the word txe’lan, ‘heart’. Ano­ther com­mon voca­ble, tra-la, resem­bles the word Utralä, ‘of the tree’.