Children’s Songs

As soon as they are able, Na’vi child­ren begin to learn the skills they will need to sur­vi­ve as adults. Many of tho­se skills are taught to them using sim­pli­fied ver­si­ons of adult social songs. In many cases, games with song, chant, or rhyth­mic accom­p­animent teach actu­al skills like hun­ting, riding, fire-making, wea­ving, and food pre­pa­ra­ti­on. One of the most important rhyth­mic prac­ti­ces that child­ren must learn are the war­ning rhyth­ms play­ed on the war­ning drum.

Many of the songs deal with the plant and ani­mal life of their world. Through the­se, child­ren learn the eco­lo­gy of their world: which crea­tures are fri­end­ly and which are not, what things to eat and what to avo­id, and the need to respect all living things.

Other songs, sung by par­ents and child­ren during quiet fami­ly time, teach the mytho­lo­gy and histo­ry of the Na’vi as well as the clo­se con­nec­tion bet­ween the Na’vi and their world.

Musi­cal skills are not taught, but are picked up by child­ren through prac­ti­ce and imi­ta­ti­on of adults. On their own, child­ren will imi­ta­te adult musi­cal styl­es but will make up their own lyrics, usual­ly teasing other child­ren or brag­ging about them­sel­ves.