
The­re are hundreds of dis­pa­ra­te Na’vi clans on Pan­do­ra. Some of the clans, inclu­ding the Oma­ti­ka­ya and Ara­na­he, live in anci­ent trees that are two to three times the height of the Ter­ran red­woods. They are known as Gre­at Trees, or Utral Anawm. When inha­bi­ted, the­se Gre­at Trees are cal­led kelu­t­ral, ‘Home­tree’.

They are usual­ly more than 150 meters tall, rough­ly thir­ty meters in dia­me­ter, but the giant kelu­t­ral of the Oma­ti­ka­ya is more than 325 meters tall, rough­ly fif­ty-seven meters in dia­me­ter, with a base of 122 meters. This kelu­t­ral is the most stu­di­ed. Its cir­cum­fe­rence is gre­at enough to house hundreds of clan mem­bers. The tree has a num­ber of radi­al­ly array­ed natu­ral hol­lows, sup­port­ed by colum­ns that them­sel­ves are the size of red­wood trunks. The­se hol­lows and alco­ves, known as mo, are whe­re the Na’vi sleep, eat, wea­ve, dance, and cele­bra­te their con­nec­tion to Eywa. Kelu­t­ral has been the spi­ri­tu­al and phy­si­cal home of the Oma­ti­ka­ya for 20,000 years befo­re it was fel­led by the Sky Peo­p­le in 2154.

The­re are four levels of the­se vaul­ted spaces in kelu­t­ral. The Na’vi access the­se levels via the tree’s natu­ral spi­ral stair­ca­se, known as the snayì, in the cen­ter. The lowest level, which is a sub­ter­ra­ne­an cat­a­comb among the roots of the tree, is reser­ved for the most sacred ritu­als of the clan, inclu­ding Unil­ta­ron.

The ‘ground flo­or’ level of kelu­t­ral is the vil­la­ge com­mons, while the third level (second abo­ve ground) is used for com­mu­nal eating, mee­tings and some ritu­al gathe­rings. The fourth level is an open-work of struts and spo­kes that is used for slee­ping. The Na’vi string their ham­mocks (or some­ti­mes more accu­ra­te­ly ‘cul­ti­va­te’ them, sin­ce some are living epi­phytes) far abo­ve the ground and away from lar­ge pre­da­tors who some­ti­mes prowl among the lower colum­ns at night. Abo­ve that, the radi­al spo­kes con­ti­nue upward, through the hol­low core of the trunk, for over 100 meters until the first of the tree’s mas­si­ve lim­bs, whe­re the core nar­rows into solidity.

The clan’s ikran live among the lim­bs of kelu­t­ral. To reach this area, the Na’vi climb up to the tree’s hig­hest spo­kes, which lead out onto one of the first lim­bs. After com­ple­ting Ikni­ma­ya and Unil­ta­ron, young Oma­ti­ka­ya hun­ters earn the right to car­ve a bow from a branch of kelu­t­ral.

The nameHome­tree’ is mis­lea­ding, as the struc­tu­re is actual­ly com­pri­sed of a gro­ve of intert­wi­ned trees of the same spe­ci­es that have grown tog­e­ther, pro­vi­ding for mutu­al strength and struc­tu­ral rein­force­ment. This, cou­pled with Pandora’s low gra­vi­ty, is what accounts for the immense height of Gre­at Trees. The Oma­ti­ka­ya reve­re this qua­li­ty of their kelu­t­ral as a con­stant remin­der that a com­mu­ni­ty is stron­ger and more resi­li­ent than the sum of the indi­vi­du­als who com­pri­se it.

Alt­hough many Tipani clan mem­bers live in sepa­ra­te vil­la­ges, their kelu­t­ral is their main sett­le­ment and the oldest known Home­tree. Over 20,000 years old, the Tipani kelu­t­ral (right) is their spi­ri­tu­al and phy­si­cal home. The tree its­elf is over 150 meters tall and its dia­me­ter is many times that of a giant sequoia. Its inte­ri­or is distin­gu­is­hed by a mas­si­ve heli­cal core and boasts mul­ti­ple levels upon which the Na’vi com­mu­nal­ly craft and enact their ritu­als and customs.


The Taw­ka­mi also have a kelu­t­ral but unli­ke the Oma­ti­ka­ya, many Taw­ka­mi live in caves and tents around the tree.