General description of the Na’vi

The Na’vi are huma­no­id bipeds. They are mor­pho­lo­gi­cal­ly simi­lar to humans. Unli­ke most ver­te­bra­tes on Pan­do­ra, which are hex­ape­dal, the Na’vi have four lim­bs, and have four digits on feet and hands. In many respects, the Na’vi body is human-like (and, even by human stan­dards, beau­tiful). The waist is nar­row and elon­ga­ted. The should­ers are very wide, crea­ting a v‑shaped upper back. The body over­all is more slen­der than even an ecto­mor­phic human and is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by an elon­ga­ted neck.

The mus­cu­la­tu­re is shar­ply defi­ned, giving no sen­se of emacia­ti­on despi­te the thin pro­por­ti­ons (they have rough­ly four times the strength of the avera­ge human). Their eyes are lar­ge and sen­si­ti­ve to wave­lengths of light inclu­si­ve of the human visu­al ran­ge, and bey­ond into near-infrared. For balan­cing their long tor­so and legs, the Na’vi have a long, pre­hen­si­le lemur-like tail. They can tra­ver­se the land­scape on the sur­face as well as using a form of bra­ch­ia­ti­on from branch to branch simi­lar to Earth primates.

Na’­vi vary in size, by regi­on and gene­tic histo­ry. Maxi­mum recor­ded height is 3.9 m, with a mass of 290 kg, for a Na’vi male. Adult Na’vi males in the regi­on of Aus­tra­lis sur­roun­ding Hell’s Gate, avera­ge 3 m in height and 210 kg. Fema­les in this regi­on avera­ge 2.8 m/190 kg. Other examp­les of gen­der dimor­phism are the pro­no­un­ced pec­to­ral ten­dons and sternal pro­mi­nen­ces in the male.

Data on life­span is incom­ple­te. It is gene­ral­ly accept­ed to be lon­ger than human by ~30%, but the rate of matu­ra­ti­on is more rapid fol­lo­wed by a pla­teau of adult­hood wit­hout phy­si­cal decli­ne. Na’vi are known to exist in every envi­ron­ment of Pan­do­ra, from tro­pi­cal rain­fo­rest and equa­to­ri­al desert to polar regi­ons, bore­al forest, moun­ta­ins, oce­an shore­li­nes, wet­lands, and archi­pe­la­go. They show evi­dence of rapid evo­lu­tio­na­ry adapt­a­ti­on to wide­ly varied habi­tats. Some sci­en­tists con­sider some of the­se adapt­a­ti­ons so signi­fi­cant that they repre­sent true spe­cia­ti­on, but this is con­tro­ver­si­al, and the­re is strong agree­ment among gene­ti­cists that the Na’vi are a sin­gle spe­ci­es, though with wide varia­ti­on mor­pho­lo­gi­cal­ly, like dome­sti­ca­ted dogs.

The abun­dant flo­ra and fau­na of Pan­do­ra have ensu­red a ste­ady popu­la­ti­on of Na’vi; it is hypo­the­si­zed that the­re was litt­le Dar­wi­ni­an pres­su­re for clans—which are all sui­ted to dif­fe­rent habitats—to adapt new traits. Inde­ed, stu­dies indi­ca­te that the num­ber of Na’vi have remain­ed remar­kab­ly con­sis­tent over the eons. Clans avera­ge 300 mem­bers. The­re are no cases of Na’vi over­po­pu­la­ti­on as they live in equi­li­bri­um with the fini­te resour­ces of their sur­roun­ding envi­ron­ment, sub­ject to the same Dar­wi­ni­an forces as the world’s other inha­bi­tants. The wide­spread access to natu­ral resour­ces has also hel­ped limit (but not eli­mi­na­te) war­fa­re among the various Na’vi clans. 


Name: Na’vi or ‘The People’ 

Ran­ge: Various bio­mes of Pan­do­ra. Popu­la­ti­on con­cen­tra­ted in rain­fo­rest regi­ons. Clans have been detec­ted on each con­ti­nent and in plains, deserts, sub­arc­tic tun­dra, wet­lands, coasts, and moun­tai­nous regions. 

Ana­to­my: Smooth skin is iri­de­s­cent, cyan color. Long, pre­hen­si­le tail. Skull is pro­por­tio­na­te­ly small, high cheek­bones, feline ears and a pro­tru­ding snout. Bio­lu­mi­ne­s­cent mar­kings for iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, mood dis­play. Avera­ge life­span is around 120–130 years. Despi­te skin color, Na’vi have red blood.

Fee­ding Eco­lo­gy: Omni­vo­re. Hun­ter and gathe­rer with inci­pi­ent agri­cul­tu­re, inclu­ding brewing.

Size: Na’vi vary in size by regi­on and gene­tic histo­ry. Avera­ge male is three meters tall, fema­les slight­ly smal­ler. Maxi­mum height: 12 ft 10 in (3.9 m). Maxi­mum weight: 639 lbs (290 kg).

Notes: Gene­ral­ly peaceful, but fero­cious in defen­se of home, clan and family.