Metkayina Fishing

Fish are an important pri­ma­ry food source for the Met­kayina, and fishing is an inte­gral part of their cul­tu­re. Fishers are high­ly respec­ted, fre­quent­ly being depic­ted in Met­kayina art­work and regard­ed as heroes in their pro­verbs and sto­ries. The Met­kayina catch fish using nets and also hunt them with fishing spears and lures. 

The flat skate is an excep­tio­nal­ly quick, smal­ler fish that sports a bright, pur­ple streak. When pre­pared cor­rect­ly, flat skate is a deli­ca­cy in Met­kayina cui­sine. Howe­ver, its fast speed makes it a dif­fi­cult fish to catch.