
Na’vi hunt and catch a varie­ty of ani­mals that are available in their dif­fe­rent bio­mes. Com­mon prey are yerik (hex­ape­de), tali­oang (sturm­beest), tey­lu (grubs), fwam­pop (tapi­rus), syak­sy­uk (pro­le­mu­ris), and various types of payoang (fish). Along with the tali­oang, the yerik (below) is one of the main ani­mals respon­si­ble for the sur­vi­val of the Na’vi. They are the Pan­do­ran equi­va­lent of deer and are wide­ly available, found in forests, plains, sub­arc­tic tun­dra, and moun­tai­nous regi­ons. By tra­di­ti­on, the yerik is the first ani­mal that a pro­s­pec­ti­ve war­ri­or is allo­wed to kill when making the rite of pas­sa­ge from child to adult.


Tali­oang, as the Pan­do­ran equi­va­lent of bison, are much lar­ger than yerik and more dif­fi­cult to hunt. When hun­ted, the herd will stam­pe­de. For a suc­cessful hunt, it takes a tar­pon­gu (hun­ting par­ty) of ikran and pa’li riders to keep up with them and make a clean kill.

Sturm­beest (tali­oang)

Tey­lu are the other main source of pro­te­in for the Na’vi. They are simi­lar to a jum­bo shrimp, being a grub, and are slight­ly sweet. Tey­lu are usual­ly stea­m­ed, but the Na’vi also cook them with vege­ta­bles on a stick over an open fire, simi­lar to Ter­ran shish kebab.

Across Pan­do­ra the­re are many other spe­ci­es of tey­lu, all high­ly cove­ted for their abun­dance and protein.

In the Wes­tern Fron­tier, the Zes­wa of the plains hunt the fast arrow deer (below, left), or win­zaw, while the Kame’tire hunt the meer deer (below, right), or syìl. The syìl is a ner­vous crea­tu­re, quick to flee.

Arrow deer (win­zaw)
Meer deer (syìl)

As such, it is best approa­ched quiet­ly as it digs at the ground. A suc­cessful catch is often cele­bra­ted as a grea­ter feat than hun­ting more dan­ge­rous crea­tures, as only a Na’vi with gre­at skill and per­se­ver­ance will be suc­cessful in making the meer deer their dinner.

The Zes­wa base their diet around the milk of the zak­ru—giant crea­tures with whom they live har­mo­nious­ly. The clan’s respec­ted dairy mas­ters extra­ct and use the milk to pro­du­ce various chee­ses and a fer­men­ted drink cal­led zang­ke.

Buoy­fi­sh (lìng­pay)
Mud­craw­ler fish (tsli­kll­te)
Octo­fin fish (peka­vol)

The­re are three main fish spe­ci­es hun­ted by the Na’vi of the Wes­tern Frontier. 

Buoy­fi­sh, or lìng­pay (left, top), are a popu­lar choice of pro­te­in in food dis­hes. This is thanks to their sweet, yet mea­ty fla­vor, as well as their abun­dance across the con­ti­nent. Lìng­pay from dif­fe­rent regi­ons har­bor dif­fe­rent fla­vors due to the dif­fe­rent river crea­tures the lìng­pay con­su­mes in dif­fe­rent biomes. 

Mud­craw­ler fish, or tsli­kll­te (left, midd­le), are one of the first crea­tures hun­ted by young Na’vi in the Wes­tern Fron­tier, as they learn to shoot with a bow and arrow. 

Dinic­tho­ids (sra­kat)

Third­ly, due to their abun­dance in rivers across the Wes­tern Fron­tier, octo­fin fish, or peka­vol (left, below), are com­mon­ly con­su­med by a varie­ty of Na’vi clans.

Across Pan­do­ra, the dan­ge­rous dinic­tho­ids, or sra­kat (below), are a pri­zed food for the Na’vi, who con­sider it a sign of cou­ra­ge to con­front the fish.