
Puf­fer (hìr­umwll)

Mush­rooms, or spxam, are the frui­ting head of a fun­gus. They grow across Pan­do­ra and are used by the Na’vi in many ways, pri­ma­ri­ly as food but also as medicine.

Octosh­room, or torukspxam, roots are boi­led to make anti­venom tea. Too much tea, howe­ver, has pro­ven to be toxic and some­ti­mes lethal. 

The sym­bio­tic, pale-pink fun­gus coa­ting on puf­fers , or hìr­umwll, is quite deli­cious and is used by the Na’vi for food. They are careful not to har­ve­st too much from one plant in order to avo­id des­troy­ing the equi­li­bri­um bet­ween plant and fun­gus requi­red to main­tain the health of both. 

The speck­led mush­room, or puwup­spxam, is har­ve­s­ted for use in coo­king. Their strin­gy fle­sh is known to have a sweet, mel­low fla­vor when fer­men­ted over seve­ral months and sof­ten­ed enough to chew.

Crims­on mushroom

The Kame’tire har­ve­st the deli­ca­te frui­ting stems of radar mush­rooms, or pxey’awspxam, for food and heal­ing remedies.

Blue or tur­quoi­se in color, the sage mush­room is tasty, meat-tex­tu­red, and high­ly pri­zed by the Na’vi of the Wes­tern Fron­tier. The Kame’tire make a kind of medi­cinal and nut­ri­tious stew cal­led kxan’epe with sage mush­rooms and stag­fly ant nec­tar. The ban­quet mush­room of the region’s Clou­ded Forest is a savo­ry mush­room said to be so nut­ri­tious it could fill a small fami­ly. Also found on the Wes­tern Fron­tier are the vinesh­rooms found gro­wing on the under­si­des of floa­ting moun­ta­ins, which have a watery con­sis­ten­cy and are typi­cal­ly dried befo­re coo­king, and crims­on mushrooms.