
As the Na’vi are hun­ter-gathe­rers, their diet varies depen­ding on their envi­ron­ment and which local fruits, vege­ta­bles, and ani­mals are kìmar, ‘in sea­son’. Sin­ce the list is so long, and varies by regi­on, included in this book is only a sel­ec­tion of examp­les of Na’vi food items.

  • Vey: any food of ani­mal ori­gin, such as tsn­gan, ‘red meat’, fish, poul­try, or grubs. 
  • Mau­ti: fruit, inclu­ding pasuk, ‘ber­ry’.
  • Fkxen: vegetables.
  • Tsyo­syu: flour-based food.

Na’vi are able to per­cei­ve the same five basic tas­tes as humans: fwang (savo­ry, uma­mi), kalin (sweet), syä’ä (bit­ter), we’ay (sour), wip (sal­ty).