
Craf­ting is an inte­gral part of Na’vi cul­tu­re, and varies depen­ding on the clan. For exam­p­le, the Anurai craft items from bone, the Taw­ka­mi craft ionar len­ses, while the Kekun­an are known for their gold-fle­cked masat. Indi­vi­du­als within a clan also have their own spe­cial­ty craft. Clans enga­ge in trade to acqui­re new mate­ri­als and objects that they may not have access to or the means to crea­te themselves.

The Oma­ti­ka­ya build prac­ti­cal items and tools for ever­y­day sur­vi­val, tot­emic sto­rytel­ling, and enjoy­ment. They use sus­tainable mate­ri­als from the rain­fo­rest such as wood, mine­rals, gourds, reeds, and plant lea­ves, as well as ani­mal hide, bone, and claws. As expert wea­vers, the clan also inte­gra­tes pat­terns into their woven items, emu­la­ting what they see in natu­re: a com­ple­xi­ty, with a hig­her mathe­ma­ti­cal order. In gene­ral, rather than rigid 90 degree lines or grids, the Oma­ti­ka­ya wea­ve and form in a holi­stic and orga­nic way, with roun­ded edges, sacred spi­rals, and laby­rinth-like pat­terns. All mem­bers of the Oma­ti­ka­ya spe­cia­li­ze in at least one craft-making skill. One Na’vi may be an expert in brai­ding tight bow strings, while ano­ther can stitch lea­ther to form a sadd­le. Through com­bi­ned indi­vi­du­al efforts, the Na’vi con­tri­bu­te to each other’s resour­ces, forming a coope­ra­ti­ve sys­tem and clan bon­ding that has sus­tained the Oma­ti­ka­ya for tens of thou­sands of years.