
The Zes­wa are a clan of nomads that live in the Upper Plains of the Wes­tern Fron­tier. Proud, bois­te­rous, and loving, the Zes­wa, talk loud­ly, feel stron­gly, and play fier­ce­ly. They are a clan of fearless pa’li riders, renow­ned for their war-like com­pe­ti­ti­ons and over-the-top cele­bra­ti­ons. They are led by an olo’eyktan and tsa­hìk who are sis­ters. The clan’s full name is Zes­wa Sopyu, mea­ning ‘grass traveler’.

The Zes­wa live in com­ple­te harm­o­ny with giant, empa­thic ani­mals cal­led zak­ru, fin­ding warmth and shel­ter in the sha­de of res­t­ing zak­ru and basing their diet around the ani­mals’ milk. The zak­ru are able to sen­se the pre­sence of dan­ger near the clan, as well as chan­ges in their moods. When the Zes­wa grie­ve, so do the zak­ru. And, when they cele­bra­te, the ani­mals sleep, con­tent.