Metkayina and Tulkun

The Tul­kun are a race of enorm­ous, high­ly intel­li­gent sea-dwel­ling crea­tures. With intellect and cul­tu­ral deve­lo­p­ment equal to the Na’vi, Tul­kun pos­sess not only names and rich fami­ly his­to­ries, but also sophisti­ca­ted music and poet­ry. After eons of bloo­dy war­fa­re among their social groups, Tul­kun tur­ned away from vio­lence and are coll­ec­tively sworn to a life of abso­lu­te paci­fism. Met­kayina and Tul­kun share a uni­que and powerful inter­spe­ci­es kin­ship, with each Na’vi indi­vi­du­al pai­red for life with a Tul­kun, who is cal­led their spi­rit brot­her or sis­ter. In this and many other ways, the Tul­kun are sacred and anci­ent part­ners to the Met­kayina, sha­ring cere­mo­nies and living tog­e­ther in harm­o­ny. Among their shared cere­mo­nies are the Com­mu­ni­on, Return, and First Breath ceremonies.

Tul­kun are a totem ani­mal for the Met­kayina. Their forms are mimi­cked in orna­men­ta­ti­on throug­hout Met­kayina cul­tu­re. Lar­ge, woven wall panels depic­ting the Tul­kun are built into Met­kayina marui to honor their bond. While many parts of their dwel­ling struc­tures may be dama­ged and repai­red, the Met­kayina reve­re the­se panels high­ly, pre­ser­ving and che­ris­hing them abo­ve all else.