
The Kame’tire live in the Clou­ded Forest of the Wes­tern Fron­tier, neigh­bor­ing the Ara­na­he and Zes­wa. Reser­ved, mys­te­rious, and enig­ma­tic, the Kame’tire are deep­ly sus­pi­cious of out­si­ders and dif­fi­cult to read, though they are still known and respec­ted as gre­at hea­lers and her­ba­lists. They also use a uni­que tech­ni­que to shape wood, making intri­ca­te clot­hing, sculp­tures, and dwel­lings. The clan is led by a tsa­hìk.

The Kame’tire are experts in mixing com­pounds and herbs. As well as being famous hea­lers, they are also renow­ned poti­on makers that can now crea­te smo­ke bombs with various effects that can be used in gue­ril­la war­fa­re tac­tics against the Sky Peo­p­le. But their talents can also be used to crea­te colorful smo­kes for cele­bra­ti­ons and thea­tri­cal per­for­man­ces, which use shadow pup­pe­try to tell stories.

The Kame’tire have a wealth of sto­ries for child­ren about enig­ma­tic, unbe­lie­va­ble crea­tures that secret­ly live in all the hid­den cor­ners of the Clou­ded Forest. Examp­les include sto­ries about a ven­geful swamp crea­tu­re, a giant rocky figu­re strol­ling through the fog, and a chat­ty thing with a mouth on a fur­ry body. Yet the­se are just sto­ries made up to teach child­ren a spe­ci­fic les­son. Most likely they are based on reflec­tions of Pandora’s natu­re: old rock for­ma­ti­ons, swamp moss, and shadowy woods.