
The Ara­na­he live on the Wes­tern Fron­tier, a regi­on on ano­ther con­ti­nent of Pan­do­ra across the moon from whe­re the Oma­ti­ka­ya live. The Ara­na­he, also known as the Kin­g­lor Forest clan, are sty­lish, sophisti­ca­ted, and intellec­tu­al, reve­ling in all the arts, but espe­ci­al­ly wea­ving the fine silk of the kin­g­lor, a moth-like insect that is emble­ma­tic of them. The Ara­na­he have lear­ned to sur­vi­ve by abi­ding long-stan­ding tra­di­ti­ons and valuing the needs of the com­mu­ni­ty over the wants of the indi­vi­du­al. They frown upon tho­se who would ques­ti­on the­se anci­ent ways.

The Ara­na­he’s home is built in a lar­ge and anci­ent Kelu­t­ral that has many cham­bers and twis­ting cor­ri­dors ador­ned with pain­ted tapestries and dyed silks. The Ara­na­he share their Kelu­t­ral with the kin­g­lor moth, ten­ding to their nests and che­ris­hing them as mes­sen­gers of Eywa. Silk is har­ve­s­ted from hat­ched kin­g­lor cocoons and is woven by the Ara­na­he, forming much of their distinc­ti­ve clot­hing and deco­ra­ti­ve tapestries. Within Kelu­t­ral, the Ara­na­he have woven marui for slee­ping and privacy.