
Na’vi popu­la­te every regi­on of Pan­do­ra in hundreds of clans, which they call olo’. The avera­ge num­ber of clan mem­bers is 300. All Na’vi share basic fun­da­men­tal beliefs, such as the importance of the natu­ral world and con­nec­tion with Eywa, but each clan has its own way of life and has made its own spe­cial con­tri­bu­ti­on to the com­plex tapestry of Na’vi culture. 

Typi­cal­ly an olo’ is led by a Clan Lea­der, or Olo’eyktan, who may be male or fema­le, and a Tsa­hìk, the clan’s head shaman. A fema­le Olo’eyktan may be cal­led Olo’eykte if the distinc­tion is requi­red. The Olo’eyktan and Tsa­hìk are usual­ly mates, but may be ano­ther clo­se fami­ly rela­ti­on, espe­ci­al­ly if one of the mated pair dies. It is also not unhe­ard of for a clan to be led by only an Olo’eyktan or Tsa­hìk.