Whispering Greatcap

Found in the Clou­ded Forest of the Wes­tern Fron­tier, the Whis­pe­ring Great­cap, or Falap Atsawl, has the fea­tures of a giant poly­po­re mush­room, with mul­ti­ple caps gro­wing from a stur­dy cen­tral stalk. Each of the­se caps has a gil­led under­si­de from which neu­ro-con­nec­ting ten­drils des­cend, and ser­ves as an access point to Eywa. They are sacred to the Kame’tire who have built their main sett­le­ment, the Hol­lows, near one lar­ge Whis­pe­ring Great­cap. This one resi­des in the Cir­cle of Ancestors—a small under­ground hol­low whe­re the clan’s major gathe­rings and cere­mo­nies take place. A smal­ler Great­cap resi­des in a simi­lar cave near­by cal­led Ancestor’s Rest, and is reser­ved for more mode­st gathe­rings and indi­vi­du­al visits.