The Way of Water

The Reef Peo­p­le have a spe­cial and per­so­nal rela­ti­onship with the oce­an. They fol­low the Fya’o Payä, ‘the Way of Water’, a phi­lo­so­phy that tea­ches one how to live in harm­o­ny with the sea. The Fya’o Payä is essen­ti­al for lear­ning to suc­cessful­ly free­di­ve, which is a skill all Met­kayina learn from a young age.

A Met­kayina tea­ching on the Way of Water:

The way of water has no begin­ning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home befo­re your birth, and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water con­nects all things: life to death, dark­ness to light.

A Reef Na’vi translation:

Fyao Paye ke sngäi, ke ’ia. Txam­pay pxaw nga kop mì nga. Nga­ri txam­pay lu kel­ku, sre sìon­go­kx, maw kxitx. Awn­ga­ri txe’lanur lu ’ekong mì frr­ku kif­keye. Awn­ga­ri sye­ha palon mì ayùk atxukx. Txam­pay zamun­ge, txam­pay kemun­ge. Payìl ’awsten­gy­em frau­ti: tìrey­ti sìn tìter­kùp, tìvawm­ti sìn atan.