Ranteng Utralti

The Cove of the Ances­tors is a swo­tu (sacred site) for the Met­kayina. It is one of seve­ral flux cons found on Pan­do­ra whe­re the­re is an excep­tio­nal­ly strong magne­tic field and strong con­cen­tra­ti­on of unob­ta­ni­um. The magne­tic field is evi­den­ced in the floa­ting islands that are flux-pin­ned in space, abo­ve and below the water. The­se islands dif­fer from the Hal­le­lu­jah Moun­ta­ins in that they are smal­ler and more hori­zon­tal in natu­re due to the dif­fe­rent geo­lo­gy found in the distant atolls. In addi­ti­on to the lime­s­tone and unob­ta­ni­um, the­re is a strong sand­stone com­po­nent that cau­ses spe­ci­fic ero­si­on, crea­ting ela­bo­ra­te sea caves and more hori­zon­tal islands. The flux con is most dra­ma­ti­cal­ly appa­rent in the spec­ta­cu­lar arching struc­tu­re that radia­tes in a torus shape.

Deep in the cen­ter of the Cove of the Ances­tors lies Ran­t­eng Utral­ti. This towe­ring yet deli­ca­te struc­tu­re has a simi­lar signi­fi­can­ce to the Reef Peo­p­le as Utra­ya Mokri or Vit­rautral have to the Oma­ti­ka­ya. Na’vi attach to Ran­t­eng Utral­ti by intert­wi­ning their kuru to one of the many lumi­nous, graceful fronds. The Tree pro­vi­des oxy­gen through tsa­heylu, allo­wing long ses­si­ons con­nec­ted under­wa­ter on a sin­gle lungful of air. Becau­se they are under­wa­ter, the Na’vi are pai­red with a diving part­ner to watch over and moni­tor them while they enter a phy­si­cal­ly dis­so­cia­ted sta­te of mind. Once con­nec­ted, they can access Eywa’s neu­ral net­work whe­re they upload and view their own memo­ries as well as inter­act with the stored spi­rits of their ances­tors. The expe­ri­ence can be so emo­tio­nal­ly impactful that after­ward the Na’vi may requi­re sup­port from their diving part­ner to return to the surface.