The Tarsyu is a giant, flowering plant with stamens that enable Na’vi of the Sarentu clan to commune with the memories of ancestors within Eywa via their neural link. In this way, it serves the same purpose as willow trees. Each adult Tarsyu is formed of a tendrilous root base that supports a single flowering head. At rest, this flower head resembles a giant leaf-covered pod in which the cup-shaped flower of the Tarsyu is tightly enclosed and protected by thick, lanceolate leaves. In the presence of the Sarentu, the pod opens, revealing the vast and brightly colored flower within. Branches, petals, and sepals spay outward and the soft, neuro-connecting stamens are accessible.
Immature Tarsyu saplings are smaller, and similarly formed. They too open in the presence of Sarentu but have only developed a single neuro-connecting stamen in the flower center. The Tarsyu’s life cycle appears to be directly linked to Sarentu activity.