Other Known Clans

  • The Mang­ku­an are wil­ling to accept out­casts from other clans.
  • The Ta’unui are a clan of Reef Peo­p­le, neigh­bor­ing the Met­kayina in the atolls of the Eas­tern Sea. Like the Met­kayina, they live in marui homes, dis­play intri­ca­te tat­toos, and are led by a male Olo’eyktan and fema­le Tsa­hìk. They also share a deep bond with their own Tul­kun pod.
  • The Trr’ong were almost enti­re­ly kil­led during the Batt­le of Ayram Alu­sìng in 2154. Only one mem­ber sur­vi­ved. Inte­res­t­ingly, the clan’s name means ‘sun­ri­se’ in Na’vi.