
The Olangi were one of the pa’li clans of the vast plains that cover much of Pandora’s land mass. Their ter­ri­to­ry was rough­ly a day’s ikran flight away from the Oma­ti­ka­ya’s rain­fo­rest. The clan was noma­dic, fol­lo­wing game on its sea­so­nal migra­to­ry pat­terns across the plains. They set up their migra­ting vil­la­ge around the bases of gre­at plains trees and often slept under the stars. The Olangi clai­med this free­dom of move­ment as both a bir­th­right and a pri­vi­le­ge that allo­wed them the chan­ce to See so much of their world. A tru­ly intrin­sic part of Olangi cul­tu­re, the pa’li was depen­ded on for hun­ting, trans­port, and self-defen­se. As the moon’s pre­mier riders, they ser­ved the important role of caval­ry in the Pan­do­ran War. The clan suf­fe­r­ed so many casu­al­ties in the war that they were absor­bed into the Oma­ti­ka­ya.