This web­site ser­ves as a know­ledge data­ba­se or “wiki” about the Na’­vi and their world Pan­do­ra. The info pro­vi­ded within this fan pro­ject comes from offi­ci­al sources sur­roun­ding AVATAR.

The core of “Pan­do­ra: The Na’­vi” is a trans­la­ti­on of the gre­at work of Karyu Ney­ti­ri, who wro­te “The Na’­vi” — a coll­ec­tion of all offi­ci­al­ly known info about the Na’­vi. The ori­gi­nal Eng­lish file can be found here:
The Na’vi (Goo­g­le­Docs) | The Na’vi (.PDF)

The sec­tions “Pan­do­ra: Fau­na” and “Pan­do­ra: Flo­ra” are most­ly trans­la­ti­ons of the Pan­do­rape­dia and other sources that can­vas the abun­dant world of ani­mals and plants on Pandora.

If you want to learn more about the Na’­vi and/or their lan­guage, have a look at our resour­ces.

!!! SPOILER !!!
This web­site covers topics and info from AVATAR, AVATAR: The Way Of Water, AVATAR: Fron­tiers Of Pan­do­ra, the AVATAR-Comics, and upco­ming sequels, among tho­se first and fore­most AVATAR: Fire And Ash.
This web­site is still in the making and will gra­du­al­ly be com­ple­ted and trans­la­ted into other languages.
Terms high­ligh­ted in yel­low still requi­re a link.
Blue words or sec­tions were just added and need editing or translating.

This web­site and its con­tent were last updated on Octo­ber 3rd, 2022.